Sometimes I feel like a character on little house on the prairie when I am in my garden at dusk. Gardens and sunsets are timeless.
Blueberries are one of the easiest and can be planted now. Acid soil, part shade, lots of leaves, sounds familiar? Wouldn't it be great to find an easy to grow plant that would flower, have great fall color and even yield about 8 quarts of fruit each season? Well, blueberries, Vaccinium corymbosum, just might fit the bill. These tasty,
succulent tasty fruits will thrive in almost any kind of soil as long as it is
acid (4 to 5 pH). They flourish in sandy soil, heavy soils and even in bogs when
there is lots of humus, from decaying leaves and other organic materials. A
woodland plant, they need a good leafy mulch to have healthy roots. One of the
nice things about blueberries is that they are not demanding and they encourage
us to reduce lawn and make natural plantings under and around oak trees. They
look great in borders as well as in a garden or flowerbeds. Here in southern New
Jersey the sandy acid soil is just what the pl Blueberry bushes have white, sometimes pink tinged bell-like blooms in May. Many times the plants are completely covered, usually just before the leaves come out and also while the leaves are unfurling. Soon light green berries replace the blooms and the plants are just covered with clusters of them. As the season progresses they gradually turn to light and then dark blue. They can be picked for pies, jams and fruit cups and also shared with the birds. The fall colors of the plant are often a blazing red, orange and copper combinations of hues. This alone would make the plant a desirable landscape addition to most yards. Then in winter the branches are often yellowish green and as well as red tinged, which give this shrub a year round landscape value.
There is high bush blueberry, the one most often seen in the trade, and the one usually grown for the most fruit. This plant can grow to about six feet high, but can get higher if never trimmed and can also be kept smaller if pruned regularly. There is also a low bush wild blueberry that can sometimes be found. This one is a short, scraggly shrub, often not getting any taller than two feet. It’s most often found growing in very sandy, almost sterile places in Maine and other coastal regions. There are many of these in southern New Jersey, some in the Pine Barrens. They have a smaller berry. I have found that blueberry plants respond best to compost and organic materials added to the soil, rather than lots of fertilizer. The birds get more from my few bushes than I do, we added several new plants under some fruiting pie cherry trees so that there will be enough for us all.
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