Back Bay Birding by Boat on the Osprey
Join Captain Bob and the crew of The Osprey for close-up looks at secretive rails, nesting Ospreys, migrant shorebirds, terns, gulls, herons and more. We explore the coastal saltmarsh of Cape May from Cape Island Creek to the Wildwoods and view the natural wonders of historic Cape May Harbor. The Osprey is a 37′ pontoon boat that has a comfortable enclosed cabin with large viewing windows, a front deck with a railing, and a restroom on board. Non-motorized wheelchair accessible. More information, detailed directions, and online reservations at www.ospreycruise.com or call the Osprey at 609-898-3500. All trips depart from the Miss Chris Marina in Cape May.
Free parking. Family-friendly. Preregistration is suggested.