Lessons and Carols
The choirs and friends of Church of the Advent and Cape May Presbyterian Church along with their English Handbell Choirs, will join to offer the traditional Festival of Lessons and Carols at Episcopal Church of the Advent, Washington and Franklin Streets in Cape May. A reception will follow in the Parish Hall. The choirs are led by Carol Obligado of Cape May who is the organist and choir director for both congregations.
The Festival of Lessons and Carols follows a very old format from England with readings that recount the prophesies and then tell the story of the birth of Jesus. Between each of the readings are anthems and carols for the choir and the congregation. According to Carol Obligado “No matter how you celebrate Christmas, this is a wonderful way to be ready for the day, listening to the stories and hearing and singing the traditional music of the holiday.”
For more information and handicap access details call the church at 609-884-3065.