High Tide

The CapeMay.com blog

Tag: sunset beach

How I fell in love with Cape May

I asked my grandmother when they started taking me to Cape May. She said I had to be about four or five years old, that my grandfather—-I called him pop-pop—-had always wanted to live here and loved the water. They would stay at Seashore Campground to be as close as they could to town. She… Read more »

Summer To Do List

I am a huge supporter of lists. To do lists, grocery shopping lists, random lists, really anything in list form. So it should come as no surprise that when I plan my time in Cape May, there are always lists in accompaniment to my vacation. I thought my creating to do lists was something I… Read more »

The treasures of Sunset Beach: Part II

So, I’m heading back out to Sunset beach because, it’s a fabulous place that’s why, and I’m thinking how did people get out here before they had this pretty road? In fact, how did people get here? And what was it like out here?   You know, Sunset Beach has a pretty interesting past which… Read more »