High Tide

The CapeMay.com blog

Month: March 2008

Locals Reveal All

Cape Island, the extended area south of Cape May canal that includes the city of Cape May, West Cape May, Cape May Point and parts of Lower Township, is an ancient and storied destination spot that has served as a playground for travelers grand and humble for hundreds of years. And like any respectable and… Read more »

Find your inner chef

Disney got it right!  After watching Ratatouille again, the message came through loud and clear: Find your inner chef and anyone can cook. This is the mantra I have been shouting for years. So how does one go about finding their inner chef? First start small, cooking like music, painting and even sports require focus and working… Read more »

African American Heritage

Here’s my question, if a segment of a community’s history is demolished because of a well-intentioned government program called, ironically enough, Urban Renewal – does said history still exist? Cape May’s Afro-American history nearly faded into the haze of demolition dust, but when a group of mostly white local artists got together in 1994 and… Read more »

Starting your garden naturally

It is time to begin the garden! I love an old fashioned garden. An enchanting kitchen garden is a wonderful place to work, relax and enjoy nature. A colorful, fragrant kitchen garden can be as large as a vacant lot or as small as a series of pots on the porch. It can be the entire… Read more »