High Tide

The CapeMay.com blog

Chefs of Cape May- Gecko’s

When Susi Bithell and her husband Randy, the former chef at Fresco’s on Bank Street, left Cape May for Santa Fe in search of a place to open a restaurant, they didn’t expect to be  back in Cape May. But it’ is in Cape May that they opened the restaurant of Randy’s dreams -Gecko’s, where… Read more »

Chefs of Cape May – Union Park

One of the joys of living and visiting Cape May, along with the beach and the rich Victorian history, is the food. The diversity of culinary delights which Cape May has to offer is exceeded by few cities with a year-round population of under 5,000. These creative people were looking for independence, small town life,… Read more »

Chefs of Cape May- Waters Edge Restaurant

One of the joys of living and visiting Cape May, along with the beach and the rich Victorian history, is the food. The diversity of culinary delights which Cape May has to offer is exceeded by few cities with a year-round population of under 5,000. These creative people were looking for independence, small town life,… Read more »

Chefs of Cape May – Alexander’s Inn

One of the joys of living and visiting Cape May, along with the beach and the rich Victorian history, is the food. The diversity of culinary delights which Cape May has to offer is exceeded by few cities with a year-round population of under 5,000. These creative people were looking for independence, small town life,… Read more »

Chefs of Cape May- Freda’s Cafe

One of the joys of living and visiting Cape May, along with the beach and the rich Victorian history, is the food. The diversity of culinary delights which Cape May has to offer is exceeded by few cities with a year-round population of under 5,000. These creative people were looking for independence, small town life,… Read more »

Cozy Cape May

Victorian Cape May is a seaside town like no other. The ancient ocean rolls up on her flat beaches within yards of meticulously decorated wooden homes. At holiday time, Cape May is in stark contrast to her cousin towns on the Jersey shore.

Review: Cape May Court House: A Death in the Night

If one lives down here, one is prepared to not like anything written by outsiders about our little world. Why, you landlubbers may ask? Because they never get it right, that’s why. It’s like Hollywood trying to make a movie about the working class. The world of the working stiff is either over-romanticized or downright insulting. Lawrence Schiller does not make that mistake in his recently published book, “Cape May Court House – A Death In The Night.”